FRBC Tours

The world makes for a big backyard. That’s why Reefs to Rockies nature & eco-tour company is the exclusive travel partner of The Front Range Birding Company. Based here in Colorado, they’re your ticket to birding adventure, whether it’s a long-weekend finding lifers in the Rockies or a week exploring a whole new hemisphere. Check out their world-class destinations here. And tell them FRBC sent you!

Explore the Land of Enchantment!

New Mexico is home to one of North America’s true can’t-miss birding hotspots. Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge located near Socorro, New Mexico hosts one of the continent’s most spectacular wildlife spectacles in fall and early winter. In October, Sandhill Cranes start arriving. The cranes are followed by an array of other species including ducks, geese (most notably Snow and Ross’s geese), and shorebirds which join together and congregate in the refuge’s wetlands and marshes. More than a dozen duck species overwinter in the area. Raptors, especially Bald Eagles, soar overheard in search of the abundant prey now available.

Whoop it up!

South Texas is where the Lone Star State’s birding is at its best. The Coastal Bend is home to overwintering Whooping Cranes, one of the world’s rarest birds, as well as waterfowl, waders, terns and more. The Lower Rio Grande Valley’s subtropical habitats provide for year-round specialties extending their range beyond Mexico, as well as wintering habitat for neotropical migrants rarely found north of here in winter and the southernmost habitat for larger migrants like Snow and Greater White-fronted geese.