Front Range
Birding Blog

Front Range Birding Company leads free bird walks every month to various locations around the Denver Metro area and Boulder County. Read about where we’ve been and what we’ve seen on our blog.

Saturday, June 8, 2024 Bird Walk to Button Rock Preserve with Jamie Simo

Button Rock Preserve, located about 7 miles outside of Lyons, Colorado, is a 2,691 acre protected area where Longmont, Colorado, gets the majority of its drinking water. The preserve opened to the public in 1965 and it’s a fantastic place to get up into the mountains and bird. FRBC has never done a bird walk…

Saturday, May 11, 2024 Bird Walk to Golden Ponds with Jamie Simo

I maintain there is no better month in Colorado than May, and Golden Ponds is a fantastic place to enjoy spring unfolding. Like most of the ponds in the state, Golden Ponds is the product of reclamation following gravel mining. The first pond closest to the parking lot is a good one for American White…

Saturday, April 13, 2024 Bird Walk to Stearn’s Lake with Jamie Simo

We couldn’t have had a better day this past Saturday for our trip to Stearn’s Lake! Stearn’s Lake is located within the Carolyn Holmberg Preserve at Rock Creek Farm, which is managed by Boulder County Parks and Open Space. The big draw at Stearn’s Lake is the presence of nesting Bald Eagles and we weren’t…

Saturday, March 9, 2024 Bird Walk to Waneka Lake and Greenlee Preserve with Sarah Spotten

In March, one can almost sense the excitement of Colorado birders in the air: the changing of the guard is near! Soon, after a long winter of anticipation, the spring migrants and summer breeders will be arriving in our favorite patches, and our winter visitors will be heading off to points north. But until then,…

Saturday, February 10, 2024 Bird Walk to Milavec Reservoir with Jamie Simo

Well, it was certainly a cold, snowy morning for a bird walk, but after having to cancel due to dangerous cold last month, I was reluctant to cancel a second month in a row. Happily, the weather meant we had the trail to ourselves and the ducks! One of the best things about Milavec Reservoir…

Saturday, January 6, 2024 to S. Platte River with David Suddjian

The South Platte in Adams County near 88th Avenue was the destination for the Littleton store’s walk on January 6. The river is a winter haven for many hundreds of ducks, its food resources bolstered by the inflow from a water treatment plant located upstream. The nutrient rich – and warmer – waters attract many ducks…

Saturday, December 9, 2023 to White Rocks Trail with Jamie Simo

I wasn’t sure what the weather would be like the morning of the bird walk given the winter storm warning we had the previous day, but Saturday dawned cold, but bright and sunny. It was a perfect winter wonderland day with fresh snow! White Rocks Trail in the winter is a fantastic place to view…

Saturday, Dec. 2 Bird Walk to Prospect Park at Wheat Ridge Greenbelt with David Suddjian

Today we were reminded we were in Colorado in December. Yes, we had some sunshine and pretty blue skies, but also a biting chill wind picked up as we began; our cheeks, fingers, and toes suffered. Wind makes land birding pretty tough, but our waterbirds may still be enjoyed. It was not so windy yet…

Saturday, Nov. 18 Bird Walk to Hudson Gardens with the Incomparable Ruth Gabreski!

We began with a loud call of American Crow, in the stand of pines trees we observed flocks of Bustits, it’s a social songbird & one of the smallest passerines in North America. They were feeding on small insects & Bustits do love spiders one of their favorites. Along the South Platte, we heard many…

Saturday, November 11, 2023 Bird Walk to Rabbit Mountain with Jamie Simo

Ancestral home of the Arapahoe, the Ron Stewart Preserve at Rabbit Mountain is roughly 5,000 acres of grassland and foothills habitat. It boasts some of the most spectacular views of the Front Range and is home to a multitude of species. Our walk on Saturday was rather quiet, but we did see a few good…

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