Saturday, July 6, 2024
Hi Friends,
Thanks for joining today’s Front Range Birding Co walk along the South Platte River at Chatfield SP. I’ve shared our checklist with each of you, and here is a link to the checklist. Our pair of American Redstarts were certainly a highlight, as were the many Yellow Warblers and the songs of Yellow-breasted Chats going off in all directions, all the time. As I mentioned I would, I’ve added some photos from July 4 in the same place we were today taken by Melody Serra. The restart is the same male we saw today.
See you out there,

Am. Redstart

Am. Redstart

Am. Redstart

Yellow Warbler male

Yellow Warbler feeding gray-colored fledgling

This juvenile Yellow Warbler is undergoing a molt from juvenile plumage (gray) to its preformative plumage (yellow), which it will wear from late summer until early spring. This preformative plumage is only present in its first year of life.

Gray Catbirds

Lesser Goldfinch
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