Tag: Birding;

Hudson Gardens Feb 27, 2021

Leader Patti Galli, nine participants. Sunny, clear and 24 degrees at 8:00 starting time.

It turned out to be another beautiful Colorado morning.  The temperature was indeed wonderful and we spotted a total of 23 species.We saw several common visitors in and around the area. Most of our group really considered themselves asbeginners, but they all turned out to be good spotters. 

We made our way to the South Platte river and saw many of our winter visitors. They were beautiful! We got a real kick out of the Canada Geese. We laughed as this behemoth bird made a cracking, crunching sound as they walked on the ice. This bird is an incredible flyer and a great survivor as well!  The Canada Goose (not Canadian) was once esteemed as “ the noblest of our waterfowl,” and bred mostly in Canada and in Alaska. It used to migrate until man interfered with this pattern – they are now found almost everywhere and are often considered a messy nuisance.  However, the Canada Goose  didn’t expand its range on its own; it had human help. Beginning in the 1950’s it was introduced throughout the country to ensure there would be plenty to hunt- so there you have (some of) it!

Canada Geese photo by Bill Schmoker                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

The challenge is almost often ducks, such as the American Wigeon. We saw a perfect adult male in breeding plumage, with its green patch leading back from the eye, white forehead, brownish breast and flanks, white belly, black undertail and uppertail coverts, and a green speculum bordered with black.

American Wigeon Photo by Bill Schmoker

What is a covert feather? A covert feather on a bird is a set of feathers, which as the name implies, covers other feathers. They help to smooth airflow overthe wings and tail. It’s one of the many things to help ID a bird. And a speculum? The speculum is a patch, often distinctly colored, on the secondary wing feathers of some birds.


Red- Brested Nuthatch photo by Bill Schmoker








We spent some time too looking at Buffleheads, Ringed-necked duck, Gadwalls, and the Common Goldeneye. We ended our lovely walk with the sounds and sights of Black-capped Chickadees, House Finches and two adorable Red – breasted Nuthatches, which was a favorite as well! We’re looking forward to spring as we’ll welcome our spring migrates, but it’s nice to enjoy our year-round birds as well, for there is no such thing as a common bird!

Hudson Gardens, Arapahoe, Colorado, US
Feb 27, 2021 8:00 AM – 10:20 AM
Protocol: Traveling
1.4 mile(s)
Checklist Comments:     Leader myself, Patti Galli , and 8 participants. Sunny start , no wind 24*
22 species (+1 other taxa)Canada Goose  100
Gadwall  5
American Wigeon  3
Mallard  4
Ring-necked Duck  3
Bufflehead  8
Common Goldeneye  7
Ring-billed Gull  5
Accipiter sp.  1
Downy Woodpecker  2
Northern Flicker  2
Black-billed Magpie  1
American Crow  4
Black-capped Chickadee  5
Bushtit  1
Red-breasted Nuthatch  2
White-breasted Nuthatch  1
European Starling  7
American Robin  2
House Finch  12
Dark-eyed Junco  2
Song Sparrow  1
Red-winged Blackbird  2View this checklist online at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Febird.org%2Fchecklist%2FS82440316&data=04%7C01%7C%7C562834325d3f40ccd92d08d8dd17aa40%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637502441000545620%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=WqZJlYwv4Y3iQzAa8UMLxKf4CBOAH8FucZ%2BPEyYwMo0%3D&reserved=0

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Hudson Gardens Bird Walk January 30, 2021

Hudson Gardens Field Trip – Jan 30, 2021 , 8:00am start time
Led by Patti Galli
Our Saturday morning at Hudson Gardens was sunny and beautiful. As sometimes typical for January birding in Colorado, it was also a quiet start. The birds must still have been sleeping!  That was ok though, we enjoyed slowly walking the grounds exploring and making our way to the South Platte River to see who may be in the water. We found the river loaded with Canada geese, Mallards (beautiful healthy looking males), Gadwalls, and gorgeous Buffleheads.

Bufflehead (c) Bill Schmoker

In addition, a muskrat was spotted.  We crossed to the other side of the river and were greeted by  dozens of Black-capped Chickadees and the happy sounds of American Robins. It was still way too early for Spring, but our feathered friends seemed to be getting ready.
The fun find of the day was a large flock of Bushtits. The Bushtit was formerly classified in the family Paridae along with chickadees and titmice, which it resembles in behavior. Later, Bushtits were reclassified into their own species. The name of its genus- Psaltriparus – is a combination of the Greek word psaltria, an ancient stringed instrument played with a bow or a plectrum; and the Latin word parus (a titmouse).  They were so named for the birds’ high-pitched calls that resembles the notes of a psaltery.  So next time you hear the name, I bet you don’t giggle as much!!

Brown Creeper (c) Bill Schmoker


female Bushtit (c) Bill Schmoker

Our final sighting was a Brown Creeper! We logged a total of 21 species, not bad!  It was a great morning enjoyed by all!
Hudson Gardens, Arapahoe, Colorado, US
Jan 30, 2021 7:45 AM – 10:20 AM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 mile(s)
Checklist Comments:     I lead trip in behave of FRBC for Hudson Gardens, nice morning , no wind , about 37*
21 species 

Canada Goose  35
Gadwall  4
Mallard  15
Bufflehead  5
Ring-billed Gull  2
Red-tailed Hawk  1
Downy Woodpecker  2
Northern Flicker  3
Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay  1
Black-billed Magpie  8
American Crow  2
Black-capped Chickadee  15
Bushtit  14
Brown Creeper  1
European Starling  1
American Robin  2
House Sparrow  10
House Finch  11
Dark-eyed Junco  3
Song Sparrow  2
Red-winged Blackbird  3

View this checklist online at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Febird.org%2Fchecklist%2FS80147440&data=04%7C01%7C%7Ccb4538d85e974d05d93508d8d144dc7a%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637489440966542333%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=pqTwh%2BdoBoVv699KArj%2BPgkol2bslaMijcOS4tfpunI%3D&reserved=0

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Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, March 6 – with Chuck Aid

Red-breasted Merganser (c) Bill Schmoker

What a great morning, and great crew of folks!  Wow!  We saw so many cool birds today it’s hard to know where to start.  However, we’ll begin with the waterfowl.  Based on what we saw on Saturday it appears that some of our ducks (and Cackling Geese) may have already begun moving north out of our area.  This, however, is probably not the case as April tends to be the peak of waterfowl migration.  We’ll just have to keep an eye out and see how things progress.  Certainly, the high point of the ducks was getting to see four male Red-breasted Mergansers – one of my favorites.  The island on Tabor Lake is starting to get its spring influx of Double-crested Cormorants, and we recorded almost thirty, complete with their doofy double-crests sticking out on either side of their heads.

Sharp-shinned Hawk adult (c) Bill Schmoker

With regard to the raptors, we had some good ones, starting with an adult Sharp-shinned Hawk.  This smallest of our accipiters was initially observed perched in a tree where we could make out its orange breast, but the tail was hidden.  Then we got to watch it dive rapidly down amongst a small group of squawking American Robins that were totally thrown off their game. Sharp-shins are dramatically sexually dimorphic, the male being the smallest hawk in North America weighing 3-4 ounces and the female weighing 5-8 ounces.  A male Sharpie, which I believe our bird was based on its apparent size, has a wingspread of about 20-22 inches and is about 9-10 inches long.  An American Robin, therefore, is only slightly smaller than a Sharpie, the biggest difference being that a Sharpie has longer wings than a robin which can make it appear bigger.

Harlan’s Red-tailed Hawk (c) Bill Schmoker

We also got a brief look at a Merlin, our second largest falcon, zipping past us with its characteristic direct, powerful, fast flight.  Our smallest falcons are American Kestrels, which, in contrast to Merlins, have a buoyant and wandering flight style.  Finally, the last bird of the day (seen from the parking lot as I was leaving) was a Harlan’s Hawk.  This is one of the many subspecies of Red-tailed Hawk.  As with the other subspecies there are both light and dark morphs, but while for most of the subspecies, like our generic western Red-tails, the light morph is the dominant look, for Harlan’s almost 90% of them are of the dark morph variety.  Overall, what you see is a very dark bodied hawk with dark underwing coverts, the flight feathers are a light gray with black tips causing the back edge of the wing to have a black border.  Then, the tail is light gray with a smudgy darker gray terminal band.


At one point we ran into a pair of Brown Creepers, one of which was singing.  It’s a delightful little song, and really pretty unique once you become aware of it.

Cedar Waxwing (c) Bill Schmoker

Finally, among our many highlights, perhaps the best of the day was getting to watch a flock of beautiful adult Cedar Waxwings sallying out and feeding on insects directly above Clear Creek. They are gorgeous birds and we got great views.

Good birding!  Chuck


Wheat Ridge Greenbelt. Mar 6, 2021
37 species (+2 other taxa)

Canada Goose  76
Cackling/Canada Goose  6
Northern Shoveler  102
Gadwall  82
Mallard  50
Green-winged Teal  36
Redhead  1
Ring-necked Duck  4
Lesser Scaup  4
Bufflehead  4
Common Goldeneye  8
Hooded Merganser  22
Red-breasted Merganser  4
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)  1
Eurasian Collared-Dove  1
Mourning Dove  2
American Coot  44
Ring-billed Gull  34
Double-crested Cormorant  28
Sharp-shinned Hawk  1
Red-tailed Hawk  2
Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan’s)  1
Downy Woodpecker  4
Hairy Woodpecker  1
Northern Flicker  14
American Kestrel  1
Merlin  1
Black-billed Magpie  3
American Crow  3
Black-capped Chickadee  32
Red-breasted Nuthatch  1
White-breasted Nuthatch  2
Brown Creeper  2
American Robin  12
Cedar Waxwing  13
House Finch  18
Song Sparrow  3
Spotted Towhee  3
Red-winged Blackbird  70


South Platte Park, Feb 6, 2021 – with Chuck Aid

We visited two main areas this morning, South Platte Reservoir and the smaller ponds just to the east of the reservoir along the South Platte River.  The reservoir had very little action, but we did get to have excellent views of a pair of Long-tailed Ducks.  These guys were historically known as Oldsquaws, evidently because they (the males primarily, actually) tend to be far more vocal than most other ducks and can be heard for long distances.  This politically incorrect name was changed about twenty years ago, and the name from across the Atlantic for this species was adopted.

Long-tailed Duck – non-breeding male (c) Bill Schmoker

Long-tailed Ducks have several unique qualities.  One is that they dive deeper than any other duck, down to almost 200 feet.  Hence, we tend to see them when they show up in Colorado on only the largest reservoirs.  Then, unlike any other waterfowl, they have three plumages instead of the normal two. In the non-breeding season, when we see these guys here in Colorado, the male has a white forehead and crown, a black nape and sub-auricular area (below the ear), a beige patch on the side of head, a bi-colored black-pink-and black bill, and a white chin and breast. The most distinctive feature is the two long central tail feathers that stream behind. The female has a white eyeline, neck, nape, and area where bill meets face, a dark sub-auricular area (sort of like the male), and otherwise she is mostly mottled brown (see photo at the top of the blog).

Western Meadowlark (c) Bill Schmoker

One of our morning’s highlights was getting to see a flock of 28 (more or less) Western Meadowlarks in the top of a cottonwood.  We have Meadowlarks throughout the year here in Colorado, with more around in the summer than the winter.  However, these wintering birds tend to hang out together in small flocks, so when we do get to see them, we tend to see more than one bird at a time.  Our flock did seem to be unusually large, and it was interesting that they were all in the top of a tree.

Yellow-rumped Warbler – Audubon’s race in fall (c) Bill Schmoker

Another great bird we saw was an Audubon’s race of the Yellow-rumped Warbler.  This is the western race, while the eastern race is the Myrtle.  We have both races here in the winter.  These two were considered to be separate species back in the day, but because of the degree of hybridization they were lumped together as one species.  The yellow rump is always bright yellow regardless of the time of year or the race.  Superficially, we always talk about the Audubon’s having a yellow throat and the Myrtle having a white throat but take a look in your field guide and note that the yellow throat of an Audubon’s in first-year birds can be very washed out and almost white.  A good feature to look for is whether that throat patch is restricted to the throat area (Audubon’s), or whether it wraps around back of the auricular (ear) patch (Myrtle).

I hope to see you on another walk soon!


South Platte Park, Feb 6, 2021
32 species

Cackling Goose  20
Canada Goose  33
Northern Shoveler  30
Gadwall  72
American Wigeon  20
Mallard  38
Green-winged Teal  56
Ring-necked Duck  44
Lesser Scaup  10
Long-tailed Duck 2
Bufflehead 12
Common Goldeneye 15
Hooded Merganser 28
Common Merganser 2
Eurasian Collared-Dove 1
Killdeer 2
Ring-billed Gull 8
Great Blue Heron 1
Bald Eagle 2
Red-tailed Hawk 6
Belted Kingfisher 1
Downy Woodpecker 2
Northern Flicker 6
American Kestrel 2
Black-billed Magpie 3
American Crow 3
Black-capped Chickadee 12
White-breasted Nuthatch 2
House Finch 14
Song Sparrow 1
Western Meadowlark 28
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon’s) 1


South Platte Park, January 9 – with Chuck Aid

Greater Scaup (c) Rob Raker

What a great morning!  A bit on the chilly side, but we saw some cool birds. We started with one of the classic bird identification conundrums.  Was our group of five scaup Lesser or Greater Scaup?  These two members of the Aythya genus are very similar in appearance and can cause no end of headaches.  There are a number of characteristics to look for, and it’s best if you can have more than one of them on which to base you ID.  Let’s begin with lateral head shape.  In Greater Scaup the head is higher towards the front of the crown and is gently rounded from crown to nape as it slopes back from that high point, the eye appears proportionally higher in the face, the bill is more massive, and the head tends to be green (but there are many warnings about not relying on head color).  When viewing the head from the front, Greater Scaup have definite “jowls” and the nail at the tip of the bill is quite wide. 

Lesser Scaup (c) Bill Schmoker

Lesser Scaup have a more pointy, taller head with an obvious corner at the rear of the crown, which is also the highest point of the head; the eye is more centered in the face from top to bottom, the bill is thinner, and the head tends to be purple (but this is not always reliable).  When viewed from the front, Lessers have a narrower (less jowly) look, and the nail at the tip of the bill is just a little black spot. For more on scaup head shape check this out – https://cobirds.org/Publications/ColoradoBirds/InTheScope/21.pdf.  Two other characteristics to be aware of are the degree of whiteness in the flanks – Greaters tend to be more bright white, and the amount of white in the wings – in Greaters, this white extends through both the secondary and primary flight feathers, while the white in Lessers is confined to the secondary flight feathers. Lacking a scope on Saturday, I didn’t feel as though I was getting as good a view as I needed to make a definite identification, and therefore just put these birds down as Greater/Lesser Scaup. Incidentally, these guys were seen on Blackrock Lake which, in prior years, has been a good place to see Greater Scaup.  One more resource for you – https://www.audubon.org/news/greater-or-lesser-scaup-here-are-biggest-differences-between-two.

Common Merganser pair (c) Bill Schmoker

While at Blackrock we also got to spend some time on identifying a male and female Common Merganser.  The male is pretty straightforward with his all-white breast and belly, dark green head (which often appears black), and red-orange bill.  But let’s spend some time on the female, because we want to be able to distinguish the female Common Merganser from the superficially similar female Red-breasted Merganser. We noted on Saturday that our bird had a warm, cinnamon brown head, with slight crests at the back, and a distinct bright-white throat patch.  One other feature to look for is that the bill on a Common Merg has a wide base where it meets the head and then it tapers down to a narrow point.  The bill on a Red-breasted Merg is uniformly thin along its whole length, and while there can be some lightness of color in the throat area it’s more blended and not so distinct as with the Common Merg. Also, the Red-breasted has longer, wispier, ragged crests.

Say’s Phoebe (c) USFWS

Heading over to the C-470 overpass we had a few more great birds, including Killdeer, Belted Kingfisher, and a Say’s Phoebe.  This last is really the only flycatcher that we can see in the Denver area in the winter. In southern Colorado, in the winter, you can also find Black Phoebes.  While 30-40 years ago Say’s Phoebes were considered quite rare in the winter in Colorado, we now see them with some increasing regularity, and, overall, their numbers have been on the increase.  With regard to summer populations for the US and Canada, Breeding Bird Survey data over a 45-year period indicate an estimated 40% increase.



Risty Blackbird (c) Bill Schmoker

We ended the morning with a couple of more first-rate birds at a swampy beaver pond.  Rusty Blackbirds occur rarely in the winter in eastern Colorado, primarily along the South Platte and Arkansas River drainages.  We ran into a little group of four and got great looks at one with its brownish hood and back, buffy supercilium (eyebrow), small black patch around its bright yellow eye, and slender, slightly decurved bill.  In this same area, apparently hanging out with some Song Sparrows, we had another rare winter resident, a beautiful Swamp Sparrow.  And then, in that same area we got multiple views of Wilson’s Snipe.  And then……., but that’s enough for now.

Hope to see you on another walk soon.


South Platte Park, Jan 9, 2021
30 species (+1 other taxa)

Cackling Goose  12
Canada Goose  4
Northern Shoveler  11
Gadwall  39
American Wigeon  11
Mallard  26
Northern Pintail  1
Green-winged Teal  28
Greater/Lesser Scaup  5
Bufflehead  14
Common Goldeneye  11
Hooded Merganser  5
Common Merganser  2
American Coot  4
Killdeer  1
Wilson’s Snipe  3
Ring-billed Gull  4
Great Blue Heron  3
Red-tailed Hawk  2
Belted Kingfisher  1
Northern Flicker  8
Say’s Phoebe  1     
Black-billed Magpie  2
American Crow  9
Black-capped Chickadee  7
Bushtit  8
White-breasted Nuthatch  1
American Pipit  2
Song Sparrow  4
Swamp Sparrow  1
Rusty Blackbird  4

South Platte Park, Dec 5, 2020 – with Chuck Aid

Greater Scaup (c) Bill Schmoker

Saturday at South Platte Park was a memorable one.  We had great weather, a great group, and OUTSTANDING birds!  We began at Blackrock Lake where we spent time working on the finer points of Greater Scaup identification.  These diving ducks belong to the Aythyagenus along with Canvasback, Redhead, Tufted Duck, Ringed-neck Duck, and Lesser Scaup.  A few of these are very similar and it takes some work learning the subtle differences required to differentiate them. Telling Greater Scaup from Lesser Scaup is the biggest of these challenges.  They are very similar in all plumages.  However, here are a few things to work on.  Greater Scaup are 18” long and weigh 2.3 lbs; Lesser Scaup are only an inch shorter, but they weigh half a pound less (22% less).  So, Greaters just seem heftier – bigger rounded head, big jowls, wide body; while Lessers are more attenuated – thinner body, thinner head, thinner neck, more pointy-headed. This is all pretty subtle stuff, but we wouldn’t want this bird-watching game to be too easy now, would we?  One of the things that really helped us out on Saturday was that the Greater Scaup were mixed in with some Ring-necked Ducks which are roughly the same size and weight as Lesser Scaup.  Our Greaters were significantly bigger than the Ring-necked Ducks.

We next moved on over to where the South Platte flows under C-470.  There was a good variety of ducks here, but the real prize was a singing American Dipper that just went on and on.  Beautiful! Particularly in December!

Swamp Sparrow (c) Bill Schmoker

We then proceeded over to a relatively new beaver pond just south of C-470 where we had several great birds: Wood Duck, Wilson’s Snipe, Swamp Sparrow, Rusty Blackbird, and Pine Warbler. The look we had at the Swamp Sparrow was world class.  The bird sat out in the open for ten minutes and we got to note every important feature – similar to a Song Sparrow but a bit smaller, more delicate, and shorter tailed – strongly streaked gray and brown crown, gray nape, clean white throat, dark rufous wings and shoulders, blurry gray-buff streaking on upper breast, and clean white belly.  The best look I’ve ever had!  We got a good enough look at the Rusty Blackbird in order to identify it, but it was high in a tree and a bit far away.

Pine Warbler (c) Rob Raker

Finally, the real highlight of the day was the Pine Warbler.  This bird breeds and winters in the eastern half of the United States, occurring rarely here in Colorado.  We had several opportunities to get reasonably good looks – greenish-olive crown and back, throat and breast bright yellow with line of faint yellow extending back below and behind the darker auricular (ear) patch, with faint smudgy streaking on sides of the breast, white belly and under-tail coverts, yellow broken eye-ring creating eye arcs above and below the eye with a small yellow lore spot (between the eye and the bill), wings grayish with two strong white wing-bars. There was one disconcerting feature on this bird – it’s lower mandible was deformed, having grown out longer than normal.  It seemed to be doing fine, but who knows what the impact of that may have on its survivorship.

Risty Blackbird (c) Bill Schmoker

Good birding!  

South Platte Park,  Dec 5, 2020
40 species (+1 other taxa)

Canada Goose  24
Cackling/Canada Goose  80
Wood Duck  2
Northern Shoveler  38
Gadwall  30
American Wigeon  18
Mallard  37
Green-winged Teal  13
Ring-necked Duck  46
Greater Scaup  8
Bufflehead  12
Common Goldeneye  19
Hooded Merganser  18
Common Merganser  22
Pied-billed Grebe  2
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)  6
American Coot  7
Killdeer  3
Wilson’s Snipe  1
Ring-billed Gull  1
Great Blue Heron  1
Red-tailed Hawk  1
Belted Kingfisher  4
Hairy Woodpecker  1
Northern Flicker  3
American Kestrel  1
Blue Jay  1
Black-billed Magpie  2
American Crow  2
Common Raven  2
Black-capped Chickadee  16
White-breasted Nuthatch  2
Brown Creeper  1
American Dipper  1
House Finch  2
American Goldfinch  1
Song Sparrow  7
Swamp Sparrow  1
Western Meadowlark  1
Rusty Blackbird  1
Pine Warbler  1


Tagawa Gardens, Oct 8, with Chuck Aid

Dear Front Range Birders,

Tagawa Gardens, a beautiful and extensive garden center, is adjacent to a series of open space properties along Cherry Creek just upstream from Cherry Creek State Park, and on Saturday thirteen of us explored some of the immediate environs to see what birds we could find. The good part of all this was that we had a great group of participants and the weather was glorious. However, as one person noted, “The birds didn’t get the memo.” There were few to be seen, and we tallied only 16 species (see list below).

We noted that the male Mallards are largely done with the eclipse phase of their molting, and we saw only one that was still a bit mottled looking. The others were wonderful with their new breeding plumage that they will now carry through the winter. Just a reminder that when in eclipse plumage bill color is perhaps the easiest way to tell a male from a female. Note the solid yellowish bill of the males, while the female’s bill is orange with a splotch of black on top. All photos are courtesy of Bill Schmoker.


We also had great looks at a pair of adult, light-morph, Red-tailed Hawks. Note the all-dark head, the lightly streaked belly-band, the dark leading-edge of the wing (this is diagnostic), and the “bulging secondaries” (this is where the trailing edge of the wing gets a bit wider). Oh, yeah, it also has a “red” tail, telling us this is an adult – juvenile tails are finely banded without the red.


There was a very cooperative female Downy Woodpecker. Note how the length of the bill is much shorter than the width of the head, there’s a conspicuous white tuft right behind the bill, and there are little black bars on the outer tail feathers.


Finally, we saw a few beautiful Western Meadowlarks.


Remember to have your bird feeders ready to go for feeding the birds this winter, and, that when you’re ready, the Front Range Birding Company will give you the best prices when it comes to optics!

Good birding!  Chuck Aid


Tagawa Gardens, Oct 8, 2016

16 species

Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)  1

Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)  15

Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)  2

Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) (Columba livia (Feral Pigeon))  28

Eurasian Collared-Dove (Streptopelia decaocto)  13

Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens)  1

Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus)  7

Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata)  8

Black-billed Magpie (Pica hudsonia)  11

American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos)  1

Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus)  5

White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis)  1

European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)  40

Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta)  4

House Finch (Haemorhous mexicanus)  6

Lesser Goldfinch (Spinus psaltria)  2


American White Pelicans forage for food at Windy Gap Colorado. In the Walden, Colorado area these Pelicans will breed with other colonial nesters on Islands in lakes. They are monitored by the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory. Unlike Brown Pelicans of coastal reagions who hunt alone, American White’s cooperate in groups.

Digiscope Video of American Kestrel

Digiscope video taken with Swarovski ATS 80 HD Spotting Scope, 20-60x Eyepiece, Digital Camera Adapter DCA, and Canon PowerShot A540. Digiscoping combines small point and shoot cameras with spotting scopes to produce images and videos at higher magnifications than possible with the camera alone. This video is an American Kestrel eating its prey at Platte River Park, Littleton, CO.

Digiscope Video of Ducks

Digiscope video taken with Swarovski ATS 80 HD Spotting Scope, 20-60x Eyepiece, Digital Camera Adapter DCA, and Canon PowerShot A540. Digiscoping combines small point and shoot cameras with spotting scopes to produce images and videos at higher magnifications than possible with the camera alone. This video is a feeding frenzy of ducks taken at Platte River Park, Littleton, CO.